At Imperial probably one of my favourite things that we get to support Clubs, Societies and Projects with is tours. If I mention it to anyone at other Students’ Unions they can’t believe that we not only support students going on tour but also fund it. Though I guess that in a lot of other places ‘tour’ is often more synonymous with ‘drinking tour’ rather than “we’re going to go do our club activity somewhere new that lets us experience it in a different, exciting way”.

All of our funding for tours comes from the ICTrust, and as part of this we have to send them a report of how we’ve spent the money. To do this I request tour reports from any society that we’ve funded, and compile them all together. Getting to read these tour reports is, to be honest, really freaking cool. I love hearing about what you guys have been up to and the pictures almost always fill me with a huge amount of envy – literally, get skydiving to send you some photos if you’ve ever wanted to feel like you’ve missed out on an incredible trip. I’ve got a fear of heights but there’s now nothing I’ve ever wanted to try so much!

We’ve already had an incredible number of tour applications from clubs this year, and [rather surprisingly! - ed] still been able to support a huge number of them. Skydiving went out to Portugal, Cycling popped over to the French Alps, and Cheerleading took the entire society to a National competition, bringing home one first and two third places – and that was just over the Spring Break!

We’re right in the middle of sorting out budgets with clubs for the summer tours and it’s looking like there is going to be another great batch during the sumemr holiday. If you’re a student on the edge of deciding on whether to go on tour with your club this summer I’d definitely recommend it!