Tucked just off Cable Street, a short walk from the hustle and bustle of Aldgate, Wilton’s Music Hall is one of the hidden treasures of London’s East End. Positively steeped in history and tradition, it is one of the capital’s oldest music halls, and one of the very few surviving ones that retains its original features. With such an illustrious legacy, it is understandable that some musicians may feel nervous when they emerge onto the stage.

However, last week saw the London debut of a performer who is no stranger to treading the boards, and commanded the audience with poise and grace.

Michael Malarkey may be best known for playing the role of Enzo, the handsome anti-hero of the American drama series The Vampire Diaries, but has actually been writing music for the best part of a decade. While this combination of music and drama may sound strange, Malarkey is part of a rich tradition of actor-musicians; after all, what would Kylie Minogue be without Neighbours, Drake without Degrassi? We had a quick chat with Michael, who made an appearance at Wilton’s last week, following the release of his EP ‘Feed The Flames’ late last year:

Max: When did you start making music?

Michael: I started off playing in punk and hardcore bands just after high school in Ohio. I didn’t play any instruments; I was the singer – although I was screaming most of the time. I began teaching myself how to play guitar around this time and have been writing my own songs ever since.

Ma: Is there anybody in particular you have taken inspiration from for your music / acting?

Mi: My holy trinity, if you will, of musicians is Tom Waits, Nick Cave and Leonard Cohen, though Tom Waits is the main reason I wanted to start writing my own songs. It literally blew my mind when I first heard ‘Rain Dogs’.

As far as acting inspiration goes, I’ve had the pleasure of working with a wealth of incredible actors, directors and mentors over the

“I was the singer – although I was screaming most of the time.”

years and it’s fair to say that they have all influenced me in different ways. I feel like I learn from everyone I work with, whether I know it or not…

Ma: What’s the experience been like on the set of The Vampire Diaries?

Mi: It’s a charming and passionate group of people who all look out for each other. It’s a beautiful thing when you get to work with that sense of camaraderie and it allows you to relax into the work with abandon. We film in Atlanta, Georgia as well (our home away from home) and

“When the spark isn’t there I don’t force it. I have to be in a certain mood.”

I’ve come to really love the vibe down there.

Ma: What influenced the decision to change to music from acting?

Mi: I am by no means changing horses midstream. Music is what I have always done in my downtime, even before I was an actor. They are two different forms of expression and I feel like I am at the point in my life where I feel I am creatively able to juggle both.

It’s not a crossroads, more a merging of lanes!

Ma: What process do you go through to write your music?

Mi: When the spark isn’t there I don’t force it. I have to be in a certain mood. Coffee helps.

Ma: What made you take the decision to move to London from the states?

Mi: I had to relocate for The Vampire Diaries. I’ll be back…

Ma: Do you have any big plans for the future? Where can our readers find your work?

Mi: I am currently planning to get into the studio as soon as I can to record some more music and we are currently still filming Season 6 of The Vampire Diaries. My EP ‘Feed The Flames’ is out now and you can download it on all media outlets. You can catch_ The Vampire Diaries_ here on itv2 on Tuesdays at 9pm. Follow me on Twitter/Facebook/Instagram @mkmalarkey for updates!