Having never played the first 45 of the assassins creed series. I must say that I was first inspired to play this game from YouTube, after seeing footage of the multiplayer game. For those who don’t know, it is a game of adventure, deception and a thirst for blood and treasures. There’s two parts to this review, the Story Campaign and Multiplayer Mode.


The story starts of a young man who left his family working in a farm in search for riches beyond his wildest dreams in the West Indies. He doesn’t get to a good start when he gets shipwrecked by the storms of the sea and then washed ashore. He hits his first break when he kills another castaway who turns out to be an Assassin pretending to betray his creed to gather more information about the Templars. From then on, he becomes embroiled in a bitter war between the two and he must decide who to fight for and reconsider whether he still wants to search for wealth or dignity. First of all, you would need a very good graphics card to run this game at a student’s level. (i.e HARDCORE GAMING), even my recently bought laptop which costed me around £750 was struggling to play at full 1920x1080 HD. Nevertheless, the graphics is fantastic. It must have taken me over 50 hours to compete the game and even so, I’ve only achieved 91% completion in terms of story, treasure hunting etc. Those who just want to finish the game would probably take half the time but if like me, you want to collect every single treasure or relic that’s around the map, good luck with that… In terms of story, I wasn’t particularly impressed with the middle fillers. Those gave too much of a digression to the main story and only adds to more gameplay essentially in order to progress through. Thankfully this was made up with an overall great storyline. Who doesn’t like combining the 17-18th century time with super natural artefacts that the Templars are searching? Then again, my background information from the previous games is that the story-lines have pretty much the same idea.


I absolutely love playing this! You play as an assassin along with 7 other players in a very large area and it is your job is to find your target and, you know it, KILL them! Though counterintuitive some might say. Your aim is to silently kill them, like a proper assassin obviously… (You’ll score more too!) You can play either as a team or free for all. But this is not so easy, the map is surrounded by lookalikes and other hiding places making your pursuing all the more difficult, plus kill the wrong target and you’ll be exposed. However this game would be boring without having abilities. I can only name a few but the ones I really love to use are Poison, well what’s a sneaky kill without it? For defence it has to be Smoke Bomb which helps me to stun my pursuers in the smoke. They are other countless abilities that will enhance your gameplay. I have played more than 80 hours of multiplayer gameplay and I’m still playing to this day. Well… Hopefully not during revision (God help me) but I’ve really enjoyed this game. The only few criticism I can give to this game is that the server sucks when your connection is poor. Thankfully however the graphics are much less demanding in multiplayer than in singleplayer. All the more reason why I play this more often. You will sometimes meet familiar faces in the game (if you do, then either this game is not popular enough or you play way too long in one day!) and you’re bound to meet a few rivals. Aim for the top! So… do you think you have what it takes to be the perfect assassin? Then this game is a must!