The annual Summer Elections have come around once again, with nominations for the various Council Officers, Council Chair, and positions of the Graduate Student’s Union, the new name of the GSA.

Also up for election is Deputy President (Education), a post previously won by Jonathan London. London is no longer able to take up the position, due to needing to take an interruption of studies.

The positions up for election are - Deputy President (Education) - Council Chair - Welfare Officers: - Ethics & Environmental Officer - International Officer - Disabilities Officer - LGBT Officer - Gender Equality Officer - Interfaith Officer - BME (Black, Ethnic, Minority) Officer - Campaigns Officer - Graduate Students’ Union Positions: - President - Deputy President (Operations) - Deputy President (Representation) - Treasurer - Secretary - Events Officer - Sports and activities officer - Marketing and Publicity officer - RAG officer - Academic and Welfare officer x 5 Nominations are open for nine days from midnight on May 20th, and opening is open from 12:00 on June 3rd until the same time on June 7th. More details are available on the Union’s website.